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序曲:揭开中国数学奇迹的史诗之旅 Prelude: Unveiling the Epic Journey of Chinese Mathematical Marvels



Welcome, dear readers, to a captivating voyage through the remarkable annals of Chinese mathematical achievements. In the vast tapestry of human history, China stands as a cradle of ingenuity, nurturing the growth of diverse disciplines, including mathematics. Our blog series seeks to delve deep into the rich heritage of Chinese mathematical prowess, unraveling the captivating stories and groundbreaking advancements that have shaped the world of numbers as we know it today.


The history of Chinese mathematics stretches back thousands of years, intertwining with the vibrant tapestry of the nation's cultural, scientific, and philosophical heritage. From ancient times, when calculations were etched on oracle bones to modern-day breakthroughs in quantum computing, Chinese mathematicians have left an indelible mark on the global landscape of mathematical discovery.


In this series, we will embark on an enlightening odyssey that will transport us across dynasties and centuries, exploring the genesis of mathematical thought and innovation in China. We will trace the origins of ancient Chinese numeral systems and witness the birth of influential mathematical treatises, such as the "Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" and the "Writings on Reckoning."


Prepare to be enthralled as we uncover the stunning contributions of luminaries like Zu Chongzhi, whose mastery of pi revolutionized mathematical computation, and Liu Hui, who deciphered the ancient puzzles of squaring the circle and extracting square roots. We will witness China's profound impact on the world of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, and delve into the genius of scholars like Yang Hui and Qin Jiushao.


Not only will we explore the foundational achievements of Chinese mathematics, but we will also shine a light on lesser-known avenues of research that have emerged throughout history. From the mathematical innovations of the Silk Road to the ingenious mathematical tools invented to navigate the vast oceans, we will discover hidden gems that have shaped the course of human civilization.


Join us on this enthralling expedition as we acquaint ourselves with the intellectual giants of ancient and contemporary China, immersing ourselves in their quests for knowledge, their innovative thinking, and their unwavering dedication to unraveling the secrets of the mathematical universe.


Throughout this series, we invite you, dear readers, to partake in a shared exploration of China's mathematical heritage. Let us ignite the flame of curiosity, inspire fresh perspectives, and honor the unsung heroes of Chinese mathematics who have paved the way for future generations.


Together, let us celebrate the profound ingenuity and enduring legacy of Chinese mathematical achievements.

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Wheel Dai
Wheel Dai
Dec 05, 2023


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